Washington Post Express cover slammed as sexist

Sean Rossman
The edition of WaPo Express with a male symbol instead of a female symbol.

@WaPoExpress' Thursday morning tweet said it all.

"We made a mistake on our cover this morning and we’re very embarrassed," said Express, the Washington Post's free daily newspaper. "We erroneously used a male symbol instead of a female symbol."

The cover story is about the thousands of women planning to march in Washington, D.C. the day after President-elect Donald Trump's inauguration. On the print version, hundreds of cartoon women stand on a pink and white backdrop in the shape of a male symbol— not the planned female symbol.

A minute later, the newspaper posted the correct version on Twitter and Facebook.

As with any public flub, Twitter exploded with criticism and blame— calling the publication out for sexism.

Follow Sean Rossman on Twitter: @SeanRossman